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Words cannot express my appreciation…

With Christmas right around the corner, the clinic has been filling up with loads of chocolate, pastries, and other sweet treats. Basically all the stuff that I encourage my patients to avoid, we have been receiving as gifts!

It is all much appreciated and it helps to remind me of the goodness that exists in the world.

With the goodies comes cards as well. I thought I would share a bit from one of the cards I recieved today from a patient whose eczema I have been treating over the past several months.

“I can’t thank you enough for everything that you have done for me this year. You have gave my life back. You showed me that even when things seem like they will never get better, that with enough time and patience (and the right herbs!) that they can get better. Thank you for all your kindness, patience, advice, and most of all, just listening to me when I needed to vent. Words cannot express my appreciation…”

I have to admit to shedding a bit of a tear when I first read this 🙂

I would like to add this woman’s eczema is currently doing quite well and she has not had any major flare ups in the time she has been under treatment. Upon her last visit to her western medical doctor, the feedback on how well her skin has been doing was something like “I should have studied Chinese medicine!” (Well I will say that it is never too late!)

Many blessings everybody. May you all have good health. May you all take the time to appreciate and be grateful to those special people that have helped inspire and enrich your life.

Dr. Trevor Erikson

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