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About Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese medicine has a long history of using different combinations of medicinal herbs to treat disease. Herbal formulas are individually compounded based on the individual patient’s presentation, diagnosis, and general health symptoms related to digestion, sleep, emotional health, etc. Treatment is determined by the individual’s particular health pattern and is designed treat the root cause of their disease.

Chinese herbal medicine is considered poly-pharmacy, meaning it uses many different ingredients mixed together (from 2 to 20 or more) so as to target many different parts of the body all at the same time. Each herb contains numerous medicinal compounds, as well as many nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.). When combined with other herbal ingredients, hundreds, or even thousands, of compounds contribute to the overall potency of the medicine which our body uses to heal many parts of itself, rather than just one.

This differs from Western drug treatments, considered mono-pharmacy, which rely on the use of one active chemical to affect one aspect of the human body. Pharmacologists, the people designing the many drugs used in modern medicine, understand the limitations of this approach, and are currently using Chinese medicine formulations as learning tools to understand how to design better drugs that work beyond the mono-pharmacy model.

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Dr Erikson first witnessed the power of herbal medicine to manage chronic inflammation when his own wife used them for her chronic eczema. For more than 22 years, she had suffered terribly with eczema, covering most of her body. She had been told that steroid creams were the only way to calm her skin down, but that she had to be careful due to their potent side effects. Within 3 months of ingesting a custom designed tea made of various raw herbal ingredients, Dr. Erikson’s wife was free of eczema, for the first time in her entire life. After stopping the medicines, her skin remained eczema free for well over 10 years, showing that the herbs helped her body realize normal health so that she could function without dependency on any drug.