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Allergic Rhinnitis (AKA Hayfever)
What is it?

Allergic rhinnitis, or Hayfever as it is also called, is an immune moderated response of the nasal mucus membranes to airborne allergens like various pollens, mould, dust, etc. It can be seasonal, limited to a short duration in the springtime, or perennial, affecting people year round. It is estimated that 20 to 25% of Canadians have allergic rhinitis, making its prevalence very common. World wide rates of allergic rhinitis have been increasing, with theories suggesting obesity, climate change, over use of antibiotics in early childhood, poor diet and even over zealous hygiene may be to blame. Recent studies have found that most people are not satisfied with their current treatment using anti-histamines or with nasal steroid sprays.


The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis are increased sneezing, runny nose, congestion and itchy watery eyes. Many people suffering with allergic rhinitis go on to develop asthma and so may also have shortness of breath and wheezing.


The primary treatment for allergic rhinitis is with herbal medicines drunk as a tea during the main allergic season when symptoms are at their peak.


A great majority of patients find that herbal medicines work quite well for their allergic rhinitis, with most seeing benefit within the first couple days of intake. People often report little to no allergy symptoms while on the herbs and find the medicines do not make them sleepy, nor overly stimulated, as is common with many antihistamines. Some of the herbal medicines have been shown to have anti-allergic effects which can offer good long term benefit by literally training the immune system to not over-react in the future. Typically patients find that their allergies are quite diminished after a few seasons of herbal intake and that either, they no longer need any medicines for relief, or that they need only a small dose to get them through the peak times of year. Overall, most patients find herbal medicines to be an effective method to manage their allergies.