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One of the biggest obstacles for people taking herbal treatments is the taste. Some people simply cannot stomach up enough courage to make it through the first few days of treatment, especially children. They lack the foresight to see that once the taste buds adjust to these foreign flavours, after a couple days or so, things get much easier. But today I saw something different. My little ten year old patient, who started treatment two weeks ago for the treatment of psoriasis, came in for his follow-up declaring that he had finished off all the herbal teas that I had prescribed.

I was actually very impressed, and told him so, saying “You are very brave for taking those medicines. Many adults cannot even take them!” Then when I looked over his skin I noticed something remarkable, his psoriasis was at least 60% better, and only in 2 weeks of treatment. I told him, “Your skin has improved greatly, and that is mostly because you had the courage to drink your medicine! Good for you!”… (His mother later told me that the little guy really had no choice in the matter, he was going to take his medicine!)

Nonetheless, results are as much a part of the correct diagnosis and treatment plan, the correct mix of herbal medicines, as they are to the compliance of the patient. So there you go, if a ten year old can muster up the courage to take the treatment, and see good results, then so should anyone right!

Wishing you health,
Dr. Trevor Erikson