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Three quarters of health care workers use alternative medicines

If you have been sitting on the fence, wondering whether herbal medicine is the right way for you or not, you may find interest in a recent study which showed that nurses and doctors had a higher likely hood of using alternative medicines than the general public. Why? Well they, above anyone else, know the limitations (and negative side effects) of pharmaceutical medicines and have thus chosen to use natural alternatives for their own health instead.

Reliance on natural therapies is increasing as more and more people become frustrated with the lack of proper answers and relief for their problems. Skin health is particularly like this, where steroidal creams form the basis for pretty much every itchy skin condition that appears in the doctors clinic. If I were a western doctor with eczema I would also seek out alternatives, knowing that steroids can thin and weaken the skin, thus leading to an actual worsening of the condition I may be trying to heal.

You may read an article in reference to this study on the US news health pages.

Wishing you health,

Dr. Trevor Erikson


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